Today is Mom’s birthday. Yesterday was Father’s Day. The tradition my entire adult life was to spend the weekend that includes these two events with my parents. This is the first year, in my 61 years on earth, that neither is physically here for our time together.
I miss them.
Today I am tired. I don’t want to think about creating a brochure for an upcoming event. I don’t want to decide on a date for a speaking engagement and all of the arrangements around that. I ask myself, “Why am I doing this? My life could be so much easier!”
And then I think of my parents. It was their end of life struggles that brought this mission into my lap. If I can be a voice for greater peace for others, what a perfect legacy they are leaving. I think I will take a break for a cup of tea, enjoy the bird sounds, and get back to what they, indirectly, called me to do.
Happy birthday, Mom!
July 2nd, 2010 at 4:50 pm
Thanks a lot for the article.Really thank you!
July 19th, 2010 at 1:35 am
This is beautiful, Liza. It is very touching, and inspires me to continue to seek the path that I am here to take.